When leading positive, impactful, and lasting change is a priority … we’re there

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Therefor Group... The Change Leaders.

Leading change for the community is at the core of all we do at Therefor Group.

As a community of professionals, advocates, and trusted advisors, this commitment to leading change is purposeful, and is built upon a foundation of collective innovation, integrity, and collaboration.  

Our diverse expertise in Delivery, Strategy, Landscape and Urban Design, Planning, Advocacy, Ecology, Bushfire Management, and Surveying drives our unified vision of ‘Leading positive, impactful, and lasting change.’ We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and each discipline contributes a unique perspective that enables us to create meaningful spaces.

Therefor Insights


Our Thought Leaders Leading Industry Conversations

At Therefor Group, we like to recognise our respected thought leaders and their impacts on the industry. With expertise, experience, and a unique perspective, our team continues to guide and inspire our people, clients, and the wider community.

Cars or Houses: Rethinking our priorities for liveable cities

We’re there for our people

We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and that incredible opportunities lie in the power of a passionate collective. Each Therefor Group discipline contributes a unique perspective that enables us to create meaningful places and spaces. And each Therefor Group team member is committed to leading change in their own unique, purposeful, impactful way.  

We're about creating long-lasting impact...and so are our clients.

Cairns Towards 2050 Growth Strategy – Cairns Regional Council

City of Gold Coast
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