The Victorian Government is banning single-use plastic straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, expanded polystyrene food and drink containers and cotton bud sticks from 1 February 2023. The ban will apply to items that are made from conventional plastic, as well as degradable and compostable plastics – such as bioplastics. The regulations to be finalised later this year, ahead of the ban commencing on 1 February 2023. Further guidance on the ban will be provided once regulations are finalised.

They encourage your business to start preparing for the ban now:

  • Run down stocks of banned items, and avoid ordering any more
  • Consider what you will sell or use instead of banned items – this could include not providing these items, switching to reusable items or choosing alternative single-use items, such as those made from bamboo, wood or paper 
  • Sign up for updates via the website

Single-use plastic straws will remain available for people who need them due to a disability or for medical reasons.

More information can be found hereSingle-use plastics ban | Victorian Government