Managing workplace health and safety (WHS) risks and preventing harm is this week's theme of National Safe Work Month, which runs throughout October.

Safe Work Australia says: Managing WHS risks involves thinking about what could happen if someone is exposed to a hazard and how likely it is to happen. You should always aim to eliminate risks. If you can’t, you must minimise risks. During this week, we look at ways to manage WHS risks and prevent injuries and disease, including how and when to consult with workers on health and safety.

During the first week of Safe Work Month, we talked about controlling common health and safety risks. This week’s theme builds on that approach by focusing on the importance of consulting workers throughout the process of managing health and safety.

Consultation with workers is a legal requirement in all our WHS/OHS laws. Consulting under the model WHS Act requires that:

  • relevant information is shared with workers; 
  • workers be given a reasonable opportunity to express their views, raise WHS issues and contribute to decision-making; 
  • the views of workers are taken into account and
  • the workers consulted are advised of the outcome of the consultation in a timely manner.

However, consulting with workers is not just about meeting legal obligations. The people who do the work have the best understanding about how the work is done and the risks that arise from how the work is done. They often have good ideas about how the work can be done in a way that is safer and/or healthier.  Also, involving workers through consultation often means they will have greater buy-in to making the control measures work and telling you if they don’t.

Resources to assist with consultation

Ai Group Toolbox talk kits can help you with some key consultation topics.

Health and Safety Resource Centre

Introduction to consultation, communications and reporting

Consultation and communication

Effective consultation and communication

Good consultation can help with a range of business issues – check out this short video.


Tracey Browne

Tracey is Ai Group's National Manager of Safety and Workers Compensation Policy. She has a strong understanding of harmonised WHS laws, jurisdictional based variations, and non-harmonised OHS laws in Australia, as well as workers' compensation expertise in multiple Australian jurisdictions. Tracey has a strong understanding and skills in workers' compensation premium management in multiple Australian jurisdictions and is an excellent trainer, with a passion for sharing knowledge on workers' compensation schemes and building practical skills in effective management of claims and return to work.